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Land New Opportunities using Your Strengths 
Uncover your innate talents, transferable skills, and core values that shape you through a series of engaging activities to unlock new opportunities. 
* Fees may apply for some courses
Stay ahead with our Thrive AI Programme
Harness the Power of Generative AI
Gain a competitive edge mastering AI assistants like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, by supercharging your job search and career progression.
6 Hours of Expert-led coaching
Work with an experienced, qualified career coach who will provide personalised guidance and support. 
Thrive AI
This beginner-friendly programme will help you to learn the foundations of Generative AI across Claude, Gemini and Chat GPT. Learn how to engineer prompts, search for jobs, write a cover letter, update your CV and prepare for interviews.
Bonus additional career development activities
The programme also includes core career development activities to help participants understand their transferable skills, identify interesting career options and be prepared by updating their CV or overcoming nerves for interviews. 

This includes:
Access a curated learning library
Continue your Gen AI learning after completing our Thrive AI Programme with a variety of courses and resources to help you dip your toe further into the field of AI. 
Self-paced online courses and resources*
Duration: Self-paced
*Eligibility criteria applies (see below for details)
In partnership with
Take control of your career using Generative AI tools alongside personalised coaching, tailored activities, and a supportive network.
Learn to leverage AI for your job search
  • Skills Library to help you identify transferable skills
  • Career Options recommended based on Skills Match
  • Access to all Premium content on Career Advice Hub (written by registered Career Development professionals)
  • Access to all courses on Learning Hub (over 8000 courses to choose from The OU, FutureLearn and Coursera).
This course has been certified by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to continuing professional development principles.
By the end of this programme you will:
82% of people surveyed have tried ChatGPT or other AI programs for work purposes.
Did you know?

  • Have a deep understanding of your values, strengths, transferable skills, and what motivates you in your professional life.
  • Be proficient in using ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude to create effective job application materials and practice interview skills.
  • Increase your competitive advantage when job seeking.

Delivery: Online
Cost: Free*
What you will learn
Programme contents
Part 1: Discover Your Foundation 
  • Uncover your core values, innate strengths, and hidden skills through self-assessments and reflective exercises.
  • Explore your interests, workplace preferences, and what environments allow you to thrive.
  • Develop deeper self-awareness by examining your life's journey and how you've applied your strengths.
  • Introductory coaching sessions to gain clarity on your direction.
Part 2: Harness Generative AI
  • Dive into the world of generative AI - its history, applications, and ethical considerations.
  • Master prompt engineering techniques for AI assistants like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude.
  • Use AI tools to analyse your strengths, craft compelling CVs/cover letters tailored for specific roles.
  • Practise virtual mock interviews enhanced by AI for feedback and preparation.
Part 3: Define Your Path
  • Explore career options aligned with your values, strengths, and aspirations.
  • Set SMART goals and create an action plan to guide your career transition.
  • Build a robust professional network and learn about mentorship opportunities.
  • One-to-one coaching to ensure your plans are achievable and authentic to you.
Part 4: Mindset for Success 
  • Cultivate a growth mindset through positive psychology and mental conditioning.
  • Build resilience, confidence and learn strategies to manage rejection.
  • Develop your personal brand and online presence for career marketing.
  • Coaching on communicating your value proposition effectively.
Part 5: Landing Your Next Opportunity
  • Master job search strategies beyond just browsing listings.
  • Optimise your application approach for higher conversions.
  • Stay up-to-date on AI's evolution and its workplace integration.
  • LinkedIn Community and coaching with any remaining time for sustained motivation post-programme.
The programme with Stay Nimble  was second-to-none. My coach helped me create and utilise a professional LinkedIn profile as well as giving me the skills and knowledge to write job applications and prepare for in-person interviews.

I have now successfully secured a full-time job.
I was able to explore all the modules/courses on the platform relevant to goals/interests and desired learning outcomes.

A BIG bonus of the platform is having access to a coach.
I would really recommend the programme so much and would like to thank my coach for all her help and support which really encouraged me and spurred me on. I hope to work with her again.
You live in the UK.

You are 18 - 65 years of age.

You can commit 6 hours per week to coaching & learning

EITHER you receive benefits (one or more of: UC, JSA, ESA, Housing CTC, WTC or PIP).

OR your current income is below £30k per year (or below £15 per hour).  

Join this programme for free if...
Eligibility Criteria

  • You’ll get 6 hours of private one-on-one time with one of our coaches for free. Your coach is available for video calls and in-app chat.

  • The short, easy-to-follow activities and exercises are structured in a 17 part programme that is designed to fit around your other commitments and support your conversations with your coach. 

  • You’ll learn more about how to use your natural talents most effectively, and how to share what you're great at in a way that generates opportunities.

  • You’ll get access to our Skills Library tool, to help you identify and reflect upon your transferable skills so that you can confidently communicate about them to potential employers in the language they understand.

  • You’ll deeply understand your values and how you can use these to help you align your values to the work you do.

  • You'll learn fundamental skills relating to Generative AI tools to help you boost your productivity in achieving your goals.

  • You’ll learn the strategies that work when connecting with others who can help you to experience and experiment with different options.

  • You can revisit the materials at any time after the end of the programme, and enjoy access to all future updates and improvements. You can also join our LinkedIn communities for ongoing peer-to-peer support.
What can I expect from the Thrive AI programme?
Frequently Asked Questions
Stay Nimble has worked in partnership with Accenture since 2019 to ensure that as many people as possible have access to quality career planning programmes and coaching. 

We’ve collaborated with Accenture’s experts to co-create the technology that powers our award-winning platform, and with Accenture’s funding we are able to provide free access to our coaching and career pathway programmes for those who need it most. Together, to date we have supported thousands of people find new careers. 

Stay Nimble is a proud partner within Accenture’s global Skills to Succeed programme, which aims to support people to gain skills and access employment and entrepreneurship opportunities that help them thrive in the digital economy. 

You can read more about Accenture’s Skills to Succeed programmes here.

Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Through technology and human ingenuity, its 720,000 people are making sustainability a force for change.
What is the partnership with Accenture all about?
By the end of the programme you will:

- Be a lot clearer on the real things that lead you to a path of happiness.

- Have reflected on your life path and highlighted what has been missing for you in the work you do.

- Have a better sense of your unique strengths, skills and values and what really matters most to you.

- Be clear on how to present yourself in the world and build a solid personal brand.

- Understand how to apply to jobs to increase your chances of success, using generative AI tools.

- Have a greater understanding of how you can more easily demonstrate your value to others.

- Learn how to build authentic relationships and connections through networking.

- Have ongoing long-term support to help you navigate the path you’re on.
Where will I be at the end of this programme?
Our coaches are all qualified and registered with the Career Development Institute, the only professional register in the UK that oversees quality and standards in this important sector. As such, you get access to the highest quality support in the UK at no cost to you.

You can expect your coach to help you: 

- Identify what’s most important to you and what you want from your future

- Achieve your goals

- Work through exercises and activities that help you understand yourself and how to perform at your best

- By asking the right questions to find the right answers for you

- By providing space and time for reflection and self-development

- Stay focused and on track to achieve results quicker than on your own

- Unlock ideas you haven’t previously considered

They can also support you with employability needs including help you tailor CVs, cover letters and preparing for interviews based on the activities above.
What can I expect from working with a Stay Nimble coach?
There is no cost for this programme which is funded through our partnership with Accenture, a leading global professional services company with capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Accenture aims to create a more inclusive future of work by supporting initiatives that help people to transition into new and fulfilling careers to thrive in the digital economy. If you aren't eligible, you can join our free Discovery programme.
Why is this free for eligible people?
The programme is self-paced, meaning you can complete it on a time scale that suits you. As a guide, most members complete the programme in 12 weeks if they dedicate 2 hours per week. However, there is no pressure to dedicate this amount of time on the programme.
How long does it take to complete the programme?
Who are Stay Nimble?
We’re a certified Social Enterprise supporting thousands of people to find happiness in life through the work they do by providing the most accessible and affordable career development coaching in the UK.

You can find out more about us here:
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